A very interesting note in today's edition of La Jornada:
■ Ignoring voters damages the legitimacy of institutions and causes protests, alerting
Dangerous for democracy, do not take into account public opinion: ■
observers agree that in AL, the people must be consulted on issues of national importance Raul Llanos Samaniego
For representatives of the international community "is really very dangerous for democracy" that Mexican legislators do not take into account the views of citizens when voting in Congress an amendment as important as the lead in oil.
Consequences-matched shades, ranging from losing the support of the people at the polls or affect the legitimacy of democratic institutions, to the protests and demonstrations in the streets.
So yesterday spoke out in a group of international observers from countries such as Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Russian Federation and Vietnam, invited by the Labour Party to oversee the development of the consultation carried out yesterday in the 16 municipalities of Mexico City.
Before travel by different polling stations, most of them expressed their views on the consultation mechanism, which they considered essential for strengthening democracy.
Juan Canesa, member of the municipal government of Montevideo, Uruguay, Frente Amplio party member, felt that when you are putting the fate of the resources that are owned by the whole society, the people should say. He said that in the case of Uruguay, "through referendums have achieved in the years of neoliberalism oil companies, telephone, electricity and water, that is maintained by the State and benefit the society, otherwise, as he said the "disaster of privatization" that lived in Argentina during the administration of Carlos Menem .
Questioned about the federal government's refusal to call emanating from the PAN to this inquiry, added: "It's a sign that the rights in the world do not bet on the participation of citizens. They forums and talk about democracy, but at the time to respect and carry it out, give back. "
The possibility of not taking into account the results such consultation, Canesa remarked: "It's really very dangerous for democracy when the representatives of the people do not respect the people's opinion, and passes that citizens give them back and not re-elect."
Carlos Veron, the Communist Party of Paraguay, said: "As a Latin American, which was always appreciated that in the decade of the 30 the Mexican government for the people had recovered oil production, and I think that this would be a setback that recovered now have to be reversed depending on the interests of the private sector. "
In Latin America, said," we must defend ourselves from the greed of multinationals and local private sectors want to remove the people's resources should benefit the entire society, hence also questioned the possible refusal of Congress to hear the voice of the people: "I believe it will have a clear answer in terms of mobilization and claim more and more strong. "
Gerardo García, member of the governing Movement Toward Socialism, Bolivia, praised the consultation on energy and added that his country had succeeded in recovering the oil sector to private hands for the benefit of all the Bolivian people.
"I think what it must be in Mexico and all countries we have oil, trying to recover so that it improves education, health and living conditions of the people "and stated that the main risk of not listening to it is that" the people revolt and, in some moment justice. "
Carlos Fonseca, the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua, asked to go beyond that "the people choose, but not decide," and even said it would be an "excellent initiative worthy of being imitated by many political forces Latin America ", taking the view of society on vital issues.
Ugas July, the Communist Party of Chile, said "If the consultation, while not binding, resulting in an overwhelming result for the citizenry to maintain its oil industry as so far and is considered legitimate, then, necessarily, decision makers should take this into consideration."
Ronaldo Carmona, Brazil, said: "The crime of trying to privatize the government of Mexican heritage is more serious when viewed in the world the trend is to increase state involvement in the oil industry, not decrease" .
At the end of the route, observers said they did not detect anomalies and conflicts beyond the fact that people were banned Mexico state an opinion. Zany
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