Here are some pictures I took today at the mega march on Sunday in defense of oil:
More pictures in the photo gallery section
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Short Butterfly Quotes
This note Universal corroborates what has been said of a demonstration scheduled for Sunday at the Angel: Call
So every Sunday at Angel of Independence at 10 am! Zany
This note Universal corroborates what has been said of a demonstration scheduled for Sunday at the Angel: Call
PRD mobilization spot radio
They call for "urgent" to join the civil resistance Sunday at 10:00 am at the Angel of Independence
The PRD has launched a new radio spot in which convenes a mobilization on Sunday April 27th against the privatization of Pemex.
The message called The oil is ours, we hear the voice of Andrés Manuel López Obrador at a rally where he called on his followers to continue the fight to keep Pemex be privatized.
Unlike the spot aired on April 10, which was signed by the Broad Progressive Front (FAP), this message only mentions the PRD.
On that occasion the Tabasco also made a call, but "urgent" and "peaceful civil resistance is our only way."
The call for this Sunday is at 10:00 hours to leave the Angel of Independence to the Zocalo.
So every Sunday at Angel of Independence at 10 am! Zany
Silvercity Online Tickets Ottawa
The success of the efficient administration of PAN are felt once again with this note of the day:
At this height is more than evident that the puppet does not care minimum as people's needs. Zany
The success of the efficient administration of PAN are felt once again with this note of the day:
Mexico will record slower growth in AL in 2008: ECLAC
countries of the region will grow in 2008 on average 4.7 percent, while our country encrypt 2.7 percent. AFP
Santiago. Latin America will grow in 2008, one point less than last year, to achieve an expansion of 4.7 percent against a backdrop of slower growth for the entry into recession in the U.S. economy, which hit hardest in Mexico, ECLAC estimated Tuesday .
countries of the region will grow in 2008 on average 4.7 percent, which means a downward adjustment compared to an estimate made last December by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which is based in Santiago.
"Latin America will grow in 2008 by 4.7 percent, partly due to drag" of the previous year's growth, said executive secretary of ECLAC, José Luis Machinea. In 2007, Latin American economies grew 5.7 percent, successfully dodging the global financial volatility.
Now, however, Latin America will suffer from the effects of the entry into recession in the U.S. economy, which in turn will cause a slowdown in European economies and a slight reduction in growth in China, said Machinea.
"There will be an impact on the region," The Economist.
The most affected will be Mexico, whose economy will expand just 2.7 percent from 3.3 percent reached in 2007 to become the country with the lowest yield in the region.
Panama, with a GDP growth of 8 percent, instead lead regional growth, followed by Peru and Argentina, which recorded a growth of 7 percent, Uruguay, with 6.5 percent and Colombia and Venezuela 6 percent.
mediocrity is located in Bolivia and Paraguay, with 5 per cent, followed by Brazil with 4.8 percent and Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, will expand 4.5 percent.
Lowest growth recorded El Salvador (4 percent), Haiti and Nicaragua (3.5 percent) and Ecuador (3 percent).
The Mexican economy is affected because the main defendant in his lower especially important expansion of its manufacturing exports to the United States, representing more than 73 percent of their shipments, said Machinea.
This factor will also affect other economies in the region, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Guatemala, all of which are among its exports a high percentage of manufacturing.
The economic crisis will also impact on remittances to nations in the region, might be reduced in 2008 to a value estimated yet, mainly affecting the Central American countries, where the reception of dollars from abroad represents a significant percentage of its GDP.
poorest countries in the region will be affected also by higher food prices, which should register a decrease between now and year's end, according to ECLAC, which previously held that the rise in food prices will poverty to 10 million Latin Americans.
This time, however, "the impact on the countries of the region will be lower than in the past for its less vulnerable" stressed the head of ECLAC. For 2009 "is difficult for the region to grow by about 4 percent, if the global economy is slowing," said Machinea.
The economist was also a call for countries in the region carry restrictions on capital inflows and intervene the foreign exchange market, should take anti-inflationary policy to increasing interest rates.
"Raise interest rates without intervention in the foreign exchange market and the uncontrolled influx of capital will generate more appreciation," said Machinea.
At this height is more than evident that the puppet does not care minimum as people's needs. Zany
Dodge Tailgate Weight
This paper published by La Jornada I think it is important to mention:
This paper published by La Jornada I think it is important to mention:
Calderón is one that has sown hatred and resentment in the country: EPR
The government insists the criminalization of social protest, warns a statement.
La Jornada On Line
Posted: 22/04/2008 15:16
Mexico City. The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR) pointed out to President Felipe Calderón as "the leading man who has been sowing hatred and discord" in the country, and that due to their lack of ability and reasoning, "rather than solve existing problems, the more acute."
Through a statement released the same day, the EPR question as expressed last week by President Felipe Calderón to the effect that "when hatred and sowing division and discord is reflected outrage."
The text also mentioned the current situation arising from the energy reform bill proposed by the federal executive: "We agree absolutely that Petroleos Mexicanos Mexicans, because being really protect him and would give our life for him and if anyone wants to take us with euphemisms such as the modernization or have no technical or economic capacity to exploit it will have the proper rejection and resistance
Although, at this attempt, the people have responded through the actions of peaceful resistance, the government has insisted on criminalizing social protest. Therefore, he adds, "as people have the legitimate right of self defense, and everyone in his trench must continue exposing corruption and the overlap that makes the State of the dregs of society, including corruption in the sport that complaint Ana Gabriela Guevara, pedophilia that unmasks Lydia Cacho and San Juana Martinez and Senators who have discovered the impunity of the Fox family, especially the Bribiesca brothers. "
note to legislators of the PRI, Emilio Gamboa Patron, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, Francisco Labastida and Diodoro Carrasco, and PAN, Santiago Creel and Hector Larios," as a club of criminals who have attempted by all means sell the sovereignty of our country and they did hijack the country. "
also announced that it will continue its campaign of harassment" under our times and means "to demand the release of his two companions Edmundo Reyes Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sanchez, allegedly detained for 11 months by the Mexican Army and transfer to another prison José Luis Duran Mata and Sergio Bautista Martinez, held in the Altiplano.
also belies any communication with the "illegitimate government" of Felipe Calderon as he was released by a national newspaper, which warned that Guillermo Valdez, director of the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) ensured have some "contacts" with members of the EPR to prevent further attacks.
That is a vicious lie, he insists, as well as the accusation that we are dedicated to plagiarism and other acts to get cheap funds because from our congress in 2000 we have relied on our people in their efforts and creativity to the tasks of the revolution. Zany
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Raised Patch On My Hands
shame campaign
The deplorable eSPOTS
recently broadcast on TV where he compares the stands taking in the Congress by lawmakers from the Broad Progressive Front with actions led by Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini , Augusto Pinochet and Victoriano Huerta, are reactionary clearly an expression whose purpose seems nothing to plant and nurture the resentment and polarization at the national level. Through a sequence of images, these ads are intended to align, in the form of other absurd, misleading and disproportionate, former presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the characters mentioned, while states that the "closure" of Congress, "our democracy is in danger, our peace is at risk. " The promotion has generated a few hours of its distribution, widespread discontent in a society that perceives, and rightly, as an insult to their intelligence and the timely response from various members of the country's intellectual community, who see in them a new "campaign of hatred."
For one thing, should be remembered that that making the stands at San Lázaro and Xicoténcatl by legislators of FAP is not an unreasonable action. It is, however, an echo inside the legislative chambers, than on the streets has become the cry of broad sectors of the population that, after submission of the reform initiative in oil, given the last week by the head of the Federal Executive to the Senate, have decided to agitate for full preservation of the national character of the hydrocarbon deposits and the processes of exploration, extraction, refining and transportation of oil. What motivates these mobilizations is the growing commitment Calderon government more openly to deliver part of the national oil industry to private hands, but especially fallacious and undemocratic ways that the group in power has decided to use to consummate the privatization plan, misinform the public and systematically avoid debate that is known beforehand, it would lose if I called this maneuver by name and did not use euphemisms such as "strengthening", "open" or "modernization."
The eSPOTS mentioned are, so far, the insults more acres, virulent and desperate that have been made against the National Movement in Defense of Oil headed Tabasco politician. However, there are unique: a similar disproportion runs through the statements made Thursday by representatives from business, in the sense that taking stands is tantamount to a "coup." In these circumstances, it is not surprising that more and more people no longer consider television as an alternative to learn, given the unilateral nature of messages through it are released and the inability to replicate.
Moreover, although the National Action Party demarcation and order "strongly" the dissemination of promotional mentioned, must be held no fee responsibility, even if indirectly, that this political institution is in this new campaign of shame: in essence, who funded the bill for publishing and television took up the strategy embraced by the ruling party during the 2006 election, which was to present himself as López Obrador "a danger to Mexico." I also can not deny that the blue and white has contributed to bitterness and that has fueled the spirits of the most conservative sectors of society with its multiple attacks in defense of oil movement.
is essential to repair the injury to the public that is spreading ad referrals and join efforts to contain the polarization sown in society. For the latter, removal of air from the eSPOTS and sanctions for its creators are necessary, but not sufficient. It also requires that the federal government shows a willingness to discuss effective, without haste, with restraint and in the face of the nation around the issue that led to political confrontation currently facing the country: the future of the industry NOC.
Source: Editorial de La Jornada
It is also advisable to see the excellent carton today Voyeur:
Televisa Campaign · The Voyeur
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hairloss Shampoo Anygood
First day of the Assembly's report today, it can stress again that side is the majority who do not see the media:
Now if the note:
First day of the Assembly's report today, it can stress again that side is the majority who do not see the media:
Now if the note:
reform will almost certainly not happen in this period: AMLO
We can not trust us and we insist on this demand that has a national debate, plural and democratic on the domestic energy sector, he said.
La Jornada On Line and Notimex
Mexico City. "There will be no early bird! Is almost certain that in the current session, which ends next April 30, the initiative may not be approved submissive" in oil, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.
However, he added, we can not trust us and we insist on the main demand of a national debate, plural, democratic on the domestic energy sector. What we ask, he said, is rational, peaceful and possible, especially on the understanding that oil belongs to all Mexicans and as such we are all entitled to your opinion.
The informational meeting held at noon Sunday at the plate the Zocalo, the "legitimate president" announced that as part of the actions of peaceful civil resistance, next Sunday information meetings will be held in the main squares in the country, which will be coordinated by the brigades of the National Movement in Defense of Oil.
also drew stay tuned for what happens next Tuesday in the Senate as that's where some decisions could result in the mobilization of the brigades.
He also said that tackling the fence most of the media, the brigade will carry a primer to disclose - "until the last corner of the country "- the reasons behind the movement against the reform bill filed just last Wednesday by President Felipe Calderón, which attempts to privatize Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
politician also joined in the defense of legislators who make up the Broad Progressive Front, who last Thursday began the actions of peaceful civil resistance in both houses of Congress.
In the media, he said, claim that our legislators hijacked the Congress. Does a senator should be allowed to idly violation of the Constitution, he asked.
not stop us all these hate campaigns and political lynching. Nothing and no one will make us accomplices of such intention national robbery. It may be that legislators have the final word, but first the people have. While there is no response to our request for debate on oil and what it implies in terms of sovereignty, history, law, development, welfare and social peace, we will continue with peaceful civil resistance, he said.
The informational meeting began an hour later than originally scheduled so as not to interfere in the funeral of Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada which were held in the Metropolitan Cathedral.
agreed that once the bells chiming religious precinct attendees socket should remain silent, while the local sound should be discontinued.
Jesusa Rodriguez, who heads one of 20 brigades in the defense of oil ", said the idea that the meeting takes place at noon is also to" wait "for the rest of the troops reached the capital's main square.
rally as speakers took the PRD senators Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, Guadalupe Castellón Fonseca, Silvano Aureoles Rabbit and José Guadarrama Márquez, and Dante Delgado Ranauro, Convergence.
They came in caravans from the big house Xicoténcatl the first frame of the city. Zany
Asics Gel Rocket In Ohio
Here are some photos I take in the concentration of this Sunday in defense of oil:
More photos at this link:
Here are some photos I take in the concentration of this Sunday in defense of oil:
More photos at this link:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
How Long Does Hair Have To Be To Wax?
Recruiting AMLO oil defense brigades
rosalía vergara
* "a joke", the 'petrobonos' with which Pemex is seeking financing, he notes
Mexico City, April 9 ( appropriate) .- The "legitimate president" Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that on Thursday the coordinators of the Broad Progressive Front (FAP) in the Senate that will depend on positioning of the start of peaceful civil resistance.
Therefore, the former presidential candidate called to the brigades in defense of oil that are ready because at any moment can begin protest actions.
During a ceremony that took oath to 38 new brigades, Tabasco politician insisted that "that statement will depend on the start of peaceful civil resistance."
At an event at the Monument to the Revolution, López Obrador said at yesterday's meeting with senators asked them to let them make an approach in the morning session Thursday, "and it will depend on the start of peaceful civil resistance ".
"We are not fighting. We will solve this subject to movement. We do not want violence Adelitas and police, "he said.
also urged his supporters to avoid acts of provocation, detect and report the infiltrators and that if "someone gets hot, so serene," because these actions are peaceful.
Before thousands of people joined the 38 brigades in defense of oil, he insisted he would not accept the privatization of Pemex.
also called on citizens to go to the Zocalo on Sunday at 11:00 to 1:00 informative assembly.
"Resistance can start tomorrow, but anyway there was a meeting," he said.
stressed that energy reform is a proposal dictated from abroad, but it has to do with the problems of the nation.
"We knew coming privatization initiative, but now they want to fool people by saying the opposite and, as it will not be so, are violating Article 27 of the Constitution," he said.
He claimed that he "want is that Pemex is dedicated to providing raw materials, supplying the petrochemical industry first hand and this is handled by foreign companies and private interests, and that is privatization."
After meeting in the morning with FAP legislators, comprising the PRD party, Convergencia and PT, López Obrador granted an interview in which he defined his position on energy reform.
He said the package of initiatives unveiled yesterday by Felipe Calderón "severs" the regulatory law of 27 of the Constitution, as proposed to amend fifteen articles.
insisted that "are proposing to amend 15 articles, and this will be a new law against the letter and spirit of Article 27."
noted that in this constitutional provision states that can not be given concessions or contracts, and exploitation of oil is the exclusive domain of the nation.
However, said, in article six of the regulatory law proposed by Calderon says "that will allow individuals, contract works and services, to participate in exploration, production, refining, in everything."
He called also for "a joke" called "bonus city, announced yesterday by the president in a national message. Finally
urged the media to open its facilities to all opinions. Zany
Recruiting AMLO oil defense brigades
rosalía vergara
* "a joke", the 'petrobonos' with which Pemex is seeking financing, he notes
Mexico City, April 9 ( appropriate) .- The "legitimate president" Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that on Thursday the coordinators of the Broad Progressive Front (FAP) in the Senate that will depend on positioning of the start of peaceful civil resistance.
Therefore, the former presidential candidate called to the brigades in defense of oil that are ready because at any moment can begin protest actions.
During a ceremony that took oath to 38 new brigades, Tabasco politician insisted that "that statement will depend on the start of peaceful civil resistance."
At an event at the Monument to the Revolution, López Obrador said at yesterday's meeting with senators asked them to let them make an approach in the morning session Thursday, "and it will depend on the start of peaceful civil resistance ".
"We are not fighting. We will solve this subject to movement. We do not want violence Adelitas and police, "he said.
also urged his supporters to avoid acts of provocation, detect and report the infiltrators and that if "someone gets hot, so serene," because these actions are peaceful.
Before thousands of people joined the 38 brigades in defense of oil, he insisted he would not accept the privatization of Pemex.
also called on citizens to go to the Zocalo on Sunday at 11:00 to 1:00 informative assembly.
"Resistance can start tomorrow, but anyway there was a meeting," he said.
stressed that energy reform is a proposal dictated from abroad, but it has to do with the problems of the nation.
"We knew coming privatization initiative, but now they want to fool people by saying the opposite and, as it will not be so, are violating Article 27 of the Constitution," he said.
He claimed that he "want is that Pemex is dedicated to providing raw materials, supplying the petrochemical industry first hand and this is handled by foreign companies and private interests, and that is privatization."
After meeting in the morning with FAP legislators, comprising the PRD party, Convergencia and PT, López Obrador granted an interview in which he defined his position on energy reform.
He said the package of initiatives unveiled yesterday by Felipe Calderón "severs" the regulatory law of 27 of the Constitution, as proposed to amend fifteen articles.
insisted that "are proposing to amend 15 articles, and this will be a new law against the letter and spirit of Article 27."
noted that in this constitutional provision states that can not be given concessions or contracts, and exploitation of oil is the exclusive domain of the nation.
However, said, in article six of the regulatory law proposed by Calderon says "that will allow individuals, contract works and services, to participate in exploration, production, refining, in everything."
He called also for "a joke" called "bonus city, announced yesterday by the president in a national message. Finally
urged the media to open its facilities to all opinions. Zany
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