First day of the Assembly's report today, it can stress again that side is the majority who do not see the media:
Now if the note:
reform will almost certainly not happen in this period: AMLO
We can not trust us and we insist on this demand that has a national debate, plural and democratic on the domestic energy sector, he said.
La Jornada On Line and Notimex
Mexico City. "There will be no early bird! Is almost certain that in the current session, which ends next April 30, the initiative may not be approved submissive" in oil, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.
However, he added, we can not trust us and we insist on the main demand of a national debate, plural, democratic on the domestic energy sector. What we ask, he said, is rational, peaceful and possible, especially on the understanding that oil belongs to all Mexicans and as such we are all entitled to your opinion.
The informational meeting held at noon Sunday at the plate the Zocalo, the "legitimate president" announced that as part of the actions of peaceful civil resistance, next Sunday information meetings will be held in the main squares in the country, which will be coordinated by the brigades of the National Movement in Defense of Oil.
also drew stay tuned for what happens next Tuesday in the Senate as that's where some decisions could result in the mobilization of the brigades.
He also said that tackling the fence most of the media, the brigade will carry a primer to disclose - "until the last corner of the country "- the reasons behind the movement against the reform bill filed just last Wednesday by President Felipe Calderón, which attempts to privatize Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
politician also joined in the defense of legislators who make up the Broad Progressive Front, who last Thursday began the actions of peaceful civil resistance in both houses of Congress.
In the media, he said, claim that our legislators hijacked the Congress. Does a senator should be allowed to idly violation of the Constitution, he asked.
not stop us all these hate campaigns and political lynching. Nothing and no one will make us accomplices of such intention national robbery. It may be that legislators have the final word, but first the people have. While there is no response to our request for debate on oil and what it implies in terms of sovereignty, history, law, development, welfare and social peace, we will continue with peaceful civil resistance, he said.
The informational meeting began an hour later than originally scheduled so as not to interfere in the funeral of Cardinal Ernesto Corripio Ahumada which were held in the Metropolitan Cathedral.
agreed that once the bells chiming religious precinct attendees socket should remain silent, while the local sound should be discontinued.
Jesusa Rodriguez, who heads one of 20 brigades in the defense of oil ", said the idea that the meeting takes place at noon is also to" wait "for the rest of the troops reached the capital's main square.
rally as speakers took the PRD senators Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, Guadalupe Castellón Fonseca, Silvano Aureoles Rabbit and José Guadarrama Márquez, and Dante Delgado Ranauro, Convergence.
They came in caravans from the big house Xicoténcatl the first frame of the city. Zany
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