This paper published by La Jornada I think it is important to mention:
Calderón is one that has sown hatred and resentment in the country: EPR
The government insists the criminalization of social protest, warns a statement.
La Jornada On Line
Posted: 22/04/2008 15:16
Mexico City. The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR) pointed out to President Felipe Calderón as "the leading man who has been sowing hatred and discord" in the country, and that due to their lack of ability and reasoning, "rather than solve existing problems, the more acute."
Through a statement released the same day, the EPR question as expressed last week by President Felipe Calderón to the effect that "when hatred and sowing division and discord is reflected outrage."
The text also mentioned the current situation arising from the energy reform bill proposed by the federal executive: "We agree absolutely that Petroleos Mexicanos Mexicans, because being really protect him and would give our life for him and if anyone wants to take us with euphemisms such as the modernization or have no technical or economic capacity to exploit it will have the proper rejection and resistance
Although, at this attempt, the people have responded through the actions of peaceful resistance, the government has insisted on criminalizing social protest. Therefore, he adds, "as people have the legitimate right of self defense, and everyone in his trench must continue exposing corruption and the overlap that makes the State of the dregs of society, including corruption in the sport that complaint Ana Gabriela Guevara, pedophilia that unmasks Lydia Cacho and San Juana Martinez and Senators who have discovered the impunity of the Fox family, especially the Bribiesca brothers. "
note to legislators of the PRI, Emilio Gamboa Patron, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, Francisco Labastida and Diodoro Carrasco, and PAN, Santiago Creel and Hector Larios," as a club of criminals who have attempted by all means sell the sovereignty of our country and they did hijack the country. "
also announced that it will continue its campaign of harassment" under our times and means "to demand the release of his two companions Edmundo Reyes Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sanchez, allegedly detained for 11 months by the Mexican Army and transfer to another prison José Luis Duran Mata and Sergio Bautista Martinez, held in the Altiplano.
also belies any communication with the "illegitimate government" of Felipe Calderon as he was released by a national newspaper, which warned that Guillermo Valdez, director of the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) ensured have some "contacts" with members of the EPR to prevent further attacks.
That is a vicious lie, he insists, as well as the accusation that we are dedicated to plagiarism and other acts to get cheap funds because from our congress in 2000 we have relied on our people in their efforts and creativity to the tasks of the revolution. Zany
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